A quick and easy mushroom tagliatelle. Rich with garlic, mushrooms, crème fraîche and spinach, it's a super tasty mid-week meal. The dried pasta could...
These vegetarian refried beans are incredibly easy to prepare and so delicious! Flavoured with lots of seasonings (like chili, chipotle chili pepper, cumin...
The recipe for Country Style Pork Ribs and Sauerkraut is a traditional German dish that will have your family coming back for seconds. This meal is perfect...
A delicious take on orange chicken! Such a bright and delicious blend of sweet, tangy and smokey flavors. Its so easy to make and that glaze will leave...
Chicken and Spinach in Puff Pastry - a perfect appetizer or dinner! Your family will love these cheesy puffs stuffed with chicken, spinach, and Parmesan!...
This Parmesan Crusted Tilapia is coated in a thin breading that turns golden as it bakes, and is a relatively healthy main dish. Ready in less than 30...
Parmesan Crusted Haddock with Panko and Herbs is a simple and healthy haddock recipe for a perfect weeknight dinner. This creative haddock recipe is served...
These Oven Baked Ranch Chicken Tenders are baked in the oven instead of fried. These chicken tenders are marinated with ranch dressing, giving this homemade...
This Baked Salmon recipe is super easy to make and ready in 20 minutes! Seasoned with a simple flavored butter made with garlic, fresh dill and lemon,...
This is one of my favorite one pan dinners to date! It has a delicious blend of flavors and textures, it's a healthy dinner, and it's brimming with those...
This is a recipe built on my memory of a dish I ate in a sticky-tabled Mexican restaurant in pregentrification Park Slope, Brooklyn: fried pork chops served...
In the wintertime, when the days are shorter, a Quick and Easy Sun Dried Tomato Sauce is a great reminder of the long, warm days of summer that lie just...
This Oven Baked Chicken Thighs recipe is a force to be reckoned with! Simple and deliciously baked chicken with a mustard, honey glaze - this dish is definitely...
Easy as (chicken and leek) pie. The sauce is made with a soft cream cheese with wholegrain mustard. Serve with frozen peas and carrots for a simple family...
Here is a simple, easy preparation for salmon that allows wild-caught fish, especially, to shine. The foaming butter amplifies the richness of the flesh,...
This egg salad recipe is bound to become one of your favorite lunches! Assemble it into sandwiches or serve it with crackers, pita or over a bed of spring...
Not cooking for a crowd this Thanksgiving? No problem, I've got you! These Roast Turkey Thighs for Two are a mouthwatering, tender turkey dinner without...
The rack is one of the most expensive cuts of lamb, but the meat is so tender and delicious it's worth splashing out once in a while. This looks really...
The Best Thai Panang Chicken Curry Recipe - The most amazing red chicken curry we've ever made! This light and healthy dish is better than any takeout...
Learn how to make Crockpot Taco Meat Recipe for the best taco meat packed with flavor. Get dinner on the table quickly when you make taco meat in crock...